Labels "TVM", 0 - Main TVM menu 01 - Second TVM menu (BEG/END, AMORT, etc.) 02 - Amortization menu 03 - Amortization table menu "CLRFIN" - Clear finance variables "SPPV" - Single payment present value "SPFV" - Single payment future value "USPV" - Uniform series present value "USFV" - Uniform series future value TVM Menu: 21 - Key "N" 22 - Key "I%YR" 23 - Key "PV" 24 - Key "PMT" 25 - Key "FV" 26 - Key "P/YR" 31 - Key "x12" "TVMBEG", 32 - Key "BEG" "TVMEND", 33 - Key "END" "PRINTTVM", 34 - Key "PRINT" "CLRFIN" - Key "CLR" 36 - Key "AMRT" Amort Menu: 41 - Key "#P" 42 - Key "INT" 43 - Key "PRIN" 44 - Key "BAL" 45 - Key "NEXT" Amort Table Menu: 51 - Key "FIRST" 52 - Key "LAST" 53 - Key "INCR" 56 - Key "GO" "N" - Solve N "I%YR" - Solve I%YR "PV" - Solve PV "PMT" - Solve PMT "FV" - Solve FV "AMORT", 60 - Amortize #P payments 65 - Skip first period interest (begin mode) 62 - Amort payment loop 67 - Cancel amort with "Invalid #P" error 10 - I%YR / P/YR / 100 (From LBL C in 32S) 11 - 1/I + Beg. (From LBL D in 32S) 12 - Beg.: 0/1 (From LBL B in 32S) 13 - EX-1(LN1+X(I%YR / P/YR / 100) * N / 2) ? (From LBL K in 32S) 14 - e^(LN1+X(I%YR / P/YR / 100) * N) (From LBL J in 32S) 70 - TVM equation for solver (for calculating I%/YR) 80 - Move TVM variables to front 81 - Move 1 variable to front, create with default if necessary 90 - Save stack 91 - Restore whole stack 92 - Restore X->Y,Y->Z,Z->T, lift stack with new result 93 - Restore Y,Z,T, leave result in X 94 - Restore Z->Y,T->Z,T, leave result in X 95 - Restore LastX only, leave results in X,Y,Z,T 99 - Clear saved stack Variables N I%YR PV PMT FV P/YR _X (Temporary) Flags 01 - Begin mode 90 - No interest this period (begin-mode amortization) 91 - Amort error